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Poetry helps us connect to our inner self; a self that has been neglected due to the humdrum of daily life. With each poem we read or write, a sense of worship springs up, and it makes one feel alive. Thus, poetry is to the soul as water in a desert. With each poem that Reeona has written, she has brought forth the struggles of her core; a core that has witnessed heartbreak, solitude, and exhaustion. Yet, she has found solace, somehow or the other, in poetry. The poems have unraveled sides of her even she was not aware of. This is the power a pen provides. While going through her work, I was at times baffled by how ordinary the words seemed however for some reason had a profound effect on the reader. Editing poetry is never easy as one has to view the work beyond what is seen at face value; way beyond real literal meaning and into the world where each sentence has multiple kaleidoscopic views of life. It was indeed an arduous task for me. But I managed to get through Reeona’s beautiful maze by immersing myself within each piece and going with the flow; going wherever her poetry took me. I am amazed by new authors and poets. Their works depict life as they know it now but they also showcase an ancient vision. A vision that is based on love, sacrifice, maturity and commitment to self. It has been my pleasure to work with Reeona and WissenMonk Publications to help bring out the best of literature to the world. I am sure the readers will feel connected to the poet’s work; the kind of relation that one finds in simplicity and peace. I wish the best to Reeona and her book of poetry, today, and for years to come.


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