Memories come crowding in. Back then in Lucknow- it was a child studying in 2nd standard, who came up with a complain to her mother, "Mummy she tore up my copy for the image which I drew on it telling her she resembles it".
Only the conclusion was conveyed, the image wasn't a pretty one but the one with horns on head and with Dracula's teeth, the one which every small kid would draw, and she fell into that category.
Few seconds later her mother replied "Its okay she might be good at heart", and urged the child not to do any harm to her or think bad about her.
The child grew up taking what her mother told, people are good at heart and never to think bad about anyone.
She never understood, how a person could be good when they can't think good about people, however that teaching which her mother taught her way back, which she inculcated one and half decades earlier still lie deep inside her also which is still wrapped safe, and one which she decided to carry forward.
All these sends her mind racing into the spangs of tornado of times past.
"This is what I dream of Daddy", she responded to her father's question where he put forth , "To what you look for in life?."
Her aspiration and passion lie in Army, to join Armed forces, to adorn the olive green uniform, to become a "Fauji".
To the answer which came swiftly, the response came as fast and furiously, (chill didn't take from fast and furious movie😅) "There are many more things in life to explore, be into somewhere else", father said where his eyelids fluttered uncontrollably.
Had he known how determined his daughter has become over the years, developing herself to be the part of such a wonderful and happening organisation.
If only he knew the support would have come initially, untill it was her mom's part to play the role.
"She has joined National Cadet Corps" wife said to her husband.
Over the phone calls, the daughter who stayed apart from family for her education, every messages were shared, the way she got enrolled into Air Wing, NCC and much more.
As a young teenager, if she knew it earlier much prior to her experiences that she underwent through, if life was that easy to handle without parents being around. Stepped out from home nest after her matriculations, her responsibility came not to the warden who was in-charge of the hostel but to herself.
Her Giant Wheel journey begins here.
"Beta, Are you working smartly where you want to be?", her phone beeped by a text from Daddy.
For fraction of seconds, she thought she misread what came and put on her specs.
She read it correctly, and mother succeeded in pursuing a father to become a support pillar for their daughter's wish.
The lining which persisted earlier was cleared and with a smile on her face she typed "First step has been taken, joined NCC, informed mom earlier", clicked on to send option.
She was on cloud Nine, as always you see 😉 after winning the support from her father, to the field of her father which she wants to traverse. One of the best decision she ever made was to join NCC which made her to challenge herself, the first flight she took, the first National Camp she did, the trip to abroad she made, was all by the blessings as well as support from people in and around her.
She completed her Grad Course and has appeared her NCC 'C' Cert examination, and is on with her Post-Grad Course.
"The Roller-Coaster ride, yet to experience" Shasica said to herself.
Wish God! Shasica gasped and sank deeper into her bed, with a prayer on her lips to grant her GRAIL.....

Babeee.... We're gonna make our dreams come true 💚💚💚💚