Exactly one year ago... On 19 April,2020 Scrolling through the instagram posts I came across a post I guess it was a quote. Don't remember who wrote it But I remember I liked it. A single comment turned into a surprise! This way for me an invitation has arrived! "Kaynat you write beautiful poetry We would love to have you in our community!" Bhargab Bhaiya had sent this message... Today I am a part of this wonderful WISSENMONK community.. Some writers are of my age, some are elder than me.. Some are tiny packets of talent who are younger than me.. The elder ones treats everyone like their own siblings! So much of love and care they shower Even they get strict in order to make me learn from my mistakes! Everyone is so supportive and respecting here..
There is fun,joy and lot more to learn... "Discussions are always welcomed" you need to remember! It's my privillege to be a part of this beautiful family... Thank you and cheers to all the writers of OUR community!( Extended Family)
~ Kaynat Sultana Qureshi

WISSENMONK is really special to me for many reasons..I feel so very glad to be a part of it..I wish to keep going on this beautiful journey!!
Thank you Bhargab Bhaiya and Jyotish Bhaiya..
Thank you all the writers of WISSENMONK....
And I am so happy to complete one year on WISSENMONK 😊😊😊😊
Here is a glimpse of how I entered into this beautiful place!😊
This is so sweet of you 💕🙂